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"The manner of giving is worth more than the gift." 

                                                       -Pierre Corneille, Le Menteur

Your gift will make a difference in a young person’s life!

Claudio Cares Foundation includes an endowment to fund student and teacher award throughout the Hudson Valley. Claudio Cares currently awards the Claudio Coppola Student Leadership Award to a graduating senior in every high school and middle school in Dutchess County

We are currently building our 5th Claudio Coppola Memorial  computer lab, in order to give our young people the tools they need.  


Claudio's Can Drive takes place every year on his birthday, December 17th, inwhich young people collect and distribute non-perishable items to local food pantries in order to instill those qualities of selflessness that Claudio possessed and give back to their community. AS of 2017, Claudio Cares has collected and distributed over 300,000 lbs. to 13 local pantries.


Our Car Show and a Golf Tournament also involves students and community members working collaboratively to  continue with our misssion of instilling the selflessness that Claudio cared out.


Claudio Cares will not stand to hear that this mission is impossible but "Mission Possible!"  If you would like to help the Foundation, please feel free to donate, any contribution is accepted and welcomed!


To make a gift, Click on the donate button on the left or make checks payable to:
 Claudio Cares Foundation and

Send to:

Claudio Cares Foundation

33 Mansion Drive

Hyde Park, NY 12538

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